How Long Does It Take for a Locksmith to Install a Lock?

There are many reasons why you might need the services of a locksmith. You may have lost your house key and are worried that someone could break in, or you may have broken or damaged locks that need to be opened. Whatever the case, locksmiths are trained professionals who can provide all the necessary training and tools to quickly and efficiently solve any lock-related issues. Generally, locksmiths operate during normal business hours, but it's not uncommon for people to find themselves in need of their services outside of these hours. If you find yourself locked out of your car, an auto locksmith can help you get back in.

They are experts at unlocking all types of doors and can also replace or repair locks if needed. If you've lost your key, they can also create a new one, even if it's broken. Not all locksmiths are able to use the shaker to open vehicle doors, as this requires a great deal of skill. An MLA-approved locksmith is able to open 26% of locked doors without damaging the door or lock using non-destructive methods. They are trained to install, repair, replace, unlock and adjust door locks, windows, car doors, safes and more.

The tools and products they use range from basic locks to complex locking devices and security systems. Most tasks that locksmiths perform take around half an hour to complete. However, more complex tasks may require more time. For example, an automotive locksmith can not only open a closed vehicle but also create new keys, remove broken keys from the locks and even replace the locks on the car's doors and the entire ignition system. To do this, they use a long piece of metal to open the vehicle door in a way that wasn't intended for it to be opened.

When this is done by a trained professional, you can be sure that no damage will be done to the locks or keys.